Smart Load Control

Smart Load Controllers are designed to enhance the capabilities of the Touché Room Manager or Smart Pack+ by providing an additional zone of control per module. The SLC can add up to 16 zones on the Room Manager and up to four on the SmartPack+. These controllers offer increased flexibility in managing lighting or other electrical loads within a room or space
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  • Smart Load Controllers allow you to extend the control range of the Touché Room Manager or SmartPack+ by adding an extra zone of control for lighting or other load management. They can be an independent lighting zone, a plug control, or a daylight harvesting zone.
  • These controllers are available in two versions: 0-10V Dimmable — allowing for dimming control over compatible lighting fixtures that support the 0-10V dimming protocol. Relay-only — provides simple on/off control for electrical loads and is suitable for non-dimmable lighting or other devices requiring basic switching.
  • SLCs are designed to automatically address themselves so they can be easily integrated into your existing Room Manager or SmartPack+ system without manual configuration or setup.
  • Smart Load Controllers seamlessly integrate with the Room Manager or SmartPack+, ensuring smooth and efficient control of lighting and other electrical loads within a room or space.